
May 27, 2020

The Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) has singled out two promising methods for disinfecting protective equipment in the event of a shortage. The Centre d’expertise en retraitement des dispositifs médicaux (CERDM) has chosen two technologies to disinfect N95 masks. The use o… More »

March 6, 2020

Any good store or supermarket must stock fresh fruit and vegetables for its customers. At Groupe Tomapure, making it possible for these establishments to offer top-quality fruits and vegetables is our number one priority. Our patented production methods guarantee safer and fresher produce. Our “ready-to-eat” designation takes on its full meaning in this context. More »

February 5, 2020

Based in Laval since 2005, Groupe Tomapure is very active in the community. The company offers French classes to its employees who were born abroad to help them integrate into the workplace as well as into Quebec society. Learn more about how Groupe Tomapure supports its employees through French classes and why we feel it's important for companies to offer such services. More »

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