Foodservice partners
Groupe Tomapure relies upon its many prestigious foodservice partners. Among its Quebec partners are Restaurants SUBWAY Quebec, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC, Costco (catering), Hector Larivée, Distagro, Fernand Matte, Gaétan Cyr, Fruits et légumes de l’Estrie, Allard inc. Fruits, Légumes et Surgelés, Les Aliments Antarctica Foods Inc., Saladexpress, Les fruits et légumes CAN-AM Inc., Delta Dailyfood Canada Inc., Dubord & Rainville, and Servomax. Nationally, we are equally proud to work with Subway Atlantic, Costco, and Sysco Mount Pearl.
Retail partners
Thanks to continuous improvements in technology development, Groupe Tomapure has succeeded in creating innovative production methods that allow it to offer retail businesses and their consumers a wide range of washed, “debacterialized” and ready-to-eat products. Our products are available to consumers in 90 g and 320 g packages at nearly all IGA-Sobeys, Pharmaprix, and Pasquier stores in Quebec, as well as some Metro stores.